Monday, April 23, 2012

When I was 17 and 18

Hold the Important Thing

A few days ago my boyfriend was tell me about a good story. I'll share it to you all.
One day, there's a couple who want a divorce. The man already has the new girl and the woman knew it. Both of them have coincide that next month they would divorce. The woman think*about how to make her husband will feel so sorry on the day at their divorce. All will the woman do not sure make the man care because the man has the new one, like cheating with other man or leaving the home. Finally the woman go to psychiatrist and ask how to make her husband will feel so sorry to her. The psychiatrist says that just there is one way to do. The woman have to do all that her husband like everyday till the day they will divorce. The husband will feel so sorry to the woman because at the last time she still can doing all that he likes. Initially the woman not agree with the psychiatrist but after think for several times, finally she agrees. She coincide will contact the psychiatrist when they wanna divorce. About 2 weeks the woman call the psychiatrist and tell that her husband seems begin to change to love her. And the woman want to stop to do this thing. But the psychiatrist says don't stop that, just about 2 weeks again and you will divorce with him, so hold it. After one month even two month the woman don't call the psychiatrist, so the psychiatrist ask the woman why she doesn't call. Evidently they cancel out the divorce, because their relationship more better each day because of the woman attitude.


I don't have some opinions to share at this time. I just nothing to do now, so I want to tell about my day to you all :) I have done my midterm test and as usual I don't sure I can get the good results for this. I'm not awesome at my department you know. I follow a dancing group again at this year and we will show at my department's birthday next month. Just hope I can perform better then last year. At my first practice I think the motions easier then previous. We use one of Jason Mraz song is I'm Your into our mix music. 
Some days ago, I and my boyfriend has an idea to enjoy an DJ class. I don't know what in our mind at that time, but we just very interesting to try it. So we went to a place recommended from his friend to have a DJ class. But, maybe that time not good for us to tried, because for some hours we turned, we didn't find that place. We asked for some people but no others know. Maybe we would try at the other time :)

Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Home

Hello April. Start this month I'll move to new boarding house. With the bigger room and better facilities sure made me so satisfied for this one. Not only the two reasons above but I have so many reasons to moved here. I'll tell you about my room.
This is my super comfortable bad

a little side from my room

TV corner

Some of my daily treatments

My belts collection