Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Hello guys, this is my nephew Marvell and Micah. Last month I went to Jakarta and met them. They are so awesome at speaking English, even some Indonesian language they can't understand. They born on USA so at 17th they can choose wanna be Indonesian or American. They have a little sister Maddelyne but I didn't have her photo yet. They are so cute, smart and too naughty. HAHA

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy B'day Friends!

This is one of favorite part of my life. That was a PARTY. Not about the event but I'd really like the people about in. Gathering, have a fun, Laughing out loud, making dirty joke, talk about love, talk about clubbing, friendship, problems and so many else. This is my teenager life. I very enjoy it and love it too much. I'm 20th now and this time for be a woman not a girl again. I'm not just learn again, but I have to apply what I got all this time for better life. Maybe at last I often lied, selfish and prestige to so many people but at this time I throw all of that and replace it with a good new one ^^ By the way Happy Belated Birthday Friends!

Let me know you about them xoxo
 This is Joseph. He was good at Disc Jokey (Dj) xoxo

This is the birthday boy JOKO. For this time has two of my friends who celebrating their birthday ^^

 Joko, Syarif and Cokro

My right is Debora. The red girl is Fenny and the white one is Renny ^^

 This is Joko and Bontang. Why we call her bontang? Simple, because she from Bontang Lol. The real name is Etta. xoxo

My photogenic's friend VICKY 

Ming-ming and Syarif

 This is me wokowokowoko. I know you do ^^

 This is my girls. Debora, Bontang, me, Debby, Nopek, Renny and Fenny

 This is YM. Her real name is Maria. xoxo

Joseph, Joko and Nyoto. The O gank hahaha

 With David

And then...... We are...... Let me count... hmmm there's 27 people + my friend Franky who take this photo.. xoxo