Saturday, March 19, 2011

Party at the saturday night ^^

Mingming and Me ^^

Me and Debz

Alan, Vicky, Ce maya, deby, me, Ming, Albert

Albert the cool one :D
MingMing the Big Boss

ALbert, Danny, MingMing, Deby,Me,Vicky

This is that I called an amazing saturday night. Yesterday, I Hanged out with my industrial Crews at TP. We all ate at Tawan, walked around, and took some picture at TP. After that, we continued our party at sutos. We met Allan and immediately I took some picture with Allan and others. Because I almost never met Allan when I was Hanging out with my friends. :D Finished the photosesion with my crew, we just took some drink at DOME. We was talking each other until 11pm. My boyfriend was at Sutos too yesterday. So, my friends accompanied me to met my boyfriend, joined for a few time with my boyfriend's friends and after all my friends was backed. My party still wasn't finished. I join with my boyfriend and his friends at Tator. We played card, bought a yoghurt, and laughing together. Finally at 00.30 am we backed to our home. Happy with friends, happy with my boyfriends. That's a Perfect weekend. I hope the following weeks are always like yesterday. A lot thanks for GOD. >.<

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