Start from Monday I'll face my final Exam. What I get during this semester will determined with scores in this time. I'm not sure that I'll get excellence score, because some subjects really hard to understand. But I hope I can pass all of the subjects and no one get failed. Day by day I think I more and more doesn't match with this department. I just want the best for this what I was Chosen.
Monday 12/12/2011 Praktikum Sistem Produksi
Wednesday 14/12/2011 Analisis Biaya
Thursday 15/12/2011 Statistika Industri
Friday 16/12/2011 Total Productive Maintenance
Psikologi Industri
Saturday 17/12/2011 Keselamatan Kerja dan Higiene
Monday 18/12/2011 Perancangan dan Pengendalian Proyek
Tuesday 19/12/2011 Perancangan dan Pengendalian Produksi
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