My basic character that I can't control is have nothing to do. I very easy to get bored. Just 2 days I must stayed at my boarding house without go anywhere surely I can die. Almost everyday I go to somewhere with my boy (the most) and my friends. For a few days my boy must back to his hometown to attend his uncle's death. My friend have their own business to do. And I didn't have schedule to went to college. I'm really "off style". For a day I sleep at my friend's boarding house but I can't stayed longer because she must doing assignments and went to college. For the other day I watched DVD and played some games on my notebook. Finally I decide to doing some activity to alleviate my boredom.
- Rearrange my desk. I already prepared a big plastic bag for some rubbish. Exactly the plastic bag full of some things that I don't used. Turns out I've been storing items that not useful. Now my desk looks more neat.
- Arrange all clothes on my commode. I have so many clothes that I never used!! Now I move them into the top so I know I must use them before not enough on my body and out of style.
- No different with my clothes, when I arrange my bag closet I have a lot of bags I never used too!! I think after this I must know what my priority needs.
- Tidy up things on my bed (my barbie bedcover, some dolls, blinkers, TV remote, DVD remote, AC remote, bible and my notes)
- And the last I arrange my accessories (bracelet, necklace,earrings and rings), belts and my cosmetics. Different with all, I still use all about that alternately.
Now my room looks better :')