Sunday, March 18, 2012

Bored -o-

My basic character that I can't control is have nothing to do. I very easy to get bored. Just 2 days I must stayed at my boarding house without go anywhere surely I can die. Almost everyday I go to somewhere with my boy (the most) and my friends. For a few days my boy must back to his hometown to attend his uncle's death. My friend have their own business to do. And I didn't have schedule to went to college. I'm really "off style". For a day I sleep at my friend's boarding house but I can't stayed longer because she must doing assignments and went to college. For the other day I watched DVD and played some games on my notebook. Finally I decide to doing some activity to alleviate my boredom.
  • Rearrange my desk. I already prepared a big plastic bag for some rubbish. Exactly the plastic bag full of some things that I don't used. Turns out I've been storing items that not useful. Now my desk looks more neat.
  • Arrange all clothes on my commode. I have so many clothes that I never used!! Now I move them into the top so I know I must use them before not enough on my body and out of style.
  • No different with my clothes, when I arrange my bag closet I have a lot of bags I never used too!! I think after this I must know what my priority needs.
  • Tidy up things on my bed (my barbie bedcover, some dolls, blinkers, TV remote, DVD remote, AC remote, bible and my notes)
  • And the last I arrange my accessories (bracelet, necklace,earrings and rings), belts and my cosmetics. Different with all, I still use all about that alternately. 
Now my room looks better :')

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Great Day

Yield doesn't Mean Losing

There's a girl who always remember her ex that almost 2 years they've broken. Now, the boy already have the new one and on his mind the girl just like a bitch, then he doesn't assume that the girl is his ex. That's too pity, but its because her behavior that really annoying. The girl already have a new boyfriend too. I don't know what is on her mind, still remember about ex but receive someone to her life? Has she really a bitch? or a slut? She ever got broken with long distance relationship, and now she choose to walk on the same way. Don't you learn from your  past? Not only pity, you just very stupid too. This is a real story and I don't believe there a girl like her who doesn't have self-esteem. Then, what the boy's girlfriend must do? Yield doesn't mean losing. An action need a right time. Get it your own life!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My sister's Graduation

At last month my sister has her graduation at her college. She got by with a awesome mark and some appreciation. She got the cumlaude degree because she has got IP more than 3.5 and finished her study just 3,5 years. That's was totally great! Moreover she got active and achievement student degree too because her credit point was more than 160. I'm so proud of her and absolutely my parents really happy to have daughter like her. And me? huff, maybe I can't get the cumlaude or active and achievement student degree, but I have the other destiny, I believe I have the other way to show my excess for everyone especially my parents. With the other talents I have, that will make something normal become something fantastic. Love your're with all you have and wasted comparing with other as far as you can :)

This is my sister. Too beautiful.. Yeah as old sister as little sister what I'm would to be :p

 She looks very nice with her gold Javanese Blouse 

 She with my lovely mommy

 She with her boyfriend ko Gerry :)
This is my little sister, she got pose when we wait my old sister doing photo session and took some photos

Yeah, after the very damn busy day because I have woke up at 6am and I arrived at home at 12am, we got a gathering dinner at Fu Yuan Chinese Food Restaurant. This restaurant is recommended because surely all of the foods totally delicious. My parents invited their family to celebrated it. Once more I would said 
t h a t  n i g h t  w a s  a  t o t a l l y  a w e s o m e  D I N N E R  to celebrate a super event with precious people

Hi March !

Was not already 3 months we live at this year. The Great February was end and I really be grateful for all of it. Honestly, Its just too fast and I don't mind I have done something better than last year. But for some people it can be too slow because they've something to wait at the mid or end of the year. Like my sister who are waiting june coming because she wanna to meet her boyfriend that was school at Singapore. 3 months letter and I'll going 20. I'm still at my bad habit like too much shopping and can't more studious. Too hard remove them on my head, surely. Maybe I just can't reduce them, not throw them away at all. Hope I can increase my quality of my life. :)