Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My sister's Graduation

At last month my sister has her graduation at her college. She got by with a awesome mark and some appreciation. She got the cumlaude degree because she has got IP more than 3.5 and finished her study just 3,5 years. That's was totally great! Moreover she got active and achievement student degree too because her credit point was more than 160. I'm so proud of her and absolutely my parents really happy to have daughter like her. And me? huff, maybe I can't get the cumlaude or active and achievement student degree, but I have the other destiny, I believe I have the other way to show my excess for everyone especially my parents. With the other talents I have, that will make something normal become something fantastic. Love your're with all you have and wasted comparing with other as far as you can :)

This is my sister. Too beautiful.. Yeah as old sister as little sister what I'm would to be :p

 She looks very nice with her gold Javanese Blouse 

 She with my lovely mommy

 She with her boyfriend ko Gerry :)
This is my little sister, she got pose when we wait my old sister doing photo session and took some photos

Yeah, after the very damn busy day because I have woke up at 6am and I arrived at home at 12am, we got a gathering dinner at Fu Yuan Chinese Food Restaurant. This restaurant is recommended because surely all of the foods totally delicious. My parents invited their family to celebrated it. Once more I would said 
t h a t  n i g h t  w a s  a  t o t a l l y  a w e s o m e  D I N N E R  to celebrate a super event with precious people

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